The expectation for every student is to work hard, develop skills, and of course have fun while creating art! Following through with the policies and procedures listed below will ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.
ABOVE ALL ELSE...ABOVE ALL ELSE...Exemplify the MGSH Crimson Way: Be (M)otivated Show (G)ratitude Immerse yourself in (S)cholarship Conduct yourself with (H)onor.
1. STUDENTS MUST FOLLOW ALL SCHOOL RULES AND PROCEDURES: Refer to the MGSH Crimson Way Document a. Come to class prepared b. No cell phone use, unless given teacher permission. c. If late, you must bring a signed pink pass from the teacher you were with, or you will be marked tardy. d. Stay at your seat until the bell - This drives Nelson nuts. e. If seeking to see another teacher or staff member while art class is in session, the student must come to art class with a pre-signed pass f. For the first and last 10 minutes of class, there will be no use of the hallway pass.
2. CLASSROOM PROCEDURE DURING CLASS a. NO DEVICES WHILE NELSON IS INSTRUCTING. Mr. Nelson will let you know when we are a a safe flying altitude to use devices. b. Remain focused on your artwork while at the same time sitting with friends and listening to music, if you choose. c. Use newspaper or scrap paper under your work for easy clean up. d. If we are discussing artwork, SHARE YOUR IDEAS! (at the appropriate time) snd allow others the space to do the same. e. No food in the art rooms. Only water with a secure lid will be permitted in class. MN OSHA regulations states, under chapter 5206, that consuming substances in the same work area where hazardous chemical may be found or used is strictly prohibited.
3. CLASSROOM PROEDURES AT THE END OF CLASS a. Clean up generally 5-7 minutes before the bell. Do not ever clean up with over 7 minutes left without permission! Put everything back where it belongs. Nelson as well as fellow students have worked extensively on labeling most drawers and cabinets in the classroom, so don't let his hard work go to waist. :) b. Listen to specific clean up and storage directions as it varies for each project and to ensure your project doesn’t end up missing or broken. c. Wash anything you get dirty which may include your table and chair, art tools and materials, and the floor. d. Make sure your project has your name, class & section on it so that it doesn’t get lost. e. DO NOT leave class early! Class time is from bell to bell. Nelsons is responsible for your safety during this time.
Come Prepared: Art is about breaking norms! However, artists follow certain procedures to ensure their work environment is safe. A safe studio helps promote creative artwork.
Know your materials: Using classroom approved materials is much safer than using borrowed art supplies with which you may be unfamiliar.
Know your process: Be conscious of the materials you are working with. Oil paints, solvents, cutting blades, and other art materials can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Only use art materials that you have received instruction in using.
Be careful of your surroundings: Certain art processes require training prior to execution. Make sure you are comfortable using all art equipment and tools before beginning a project. If a piece of equipment seems to be broken or is not working correctly, ask for help immediately. Do not continue working if you suspect something is wrong.
Work Safely: You will be working in close proximity with other artists. Make sure you are aware of the tools and equipment that is being used around you. The best way to prevent an accident is to stay alert.
Clean Up: Keep your work area free of sharp objects, unopened solvents, and other potentially hazardous materials. Take responsibility for your own safety and the safety of those around you.
Wash Up: Keeping the studio and equipment clean helps eliminate potential safety risks. Clean tools and equipment last longer and function more safely and effectively. Always wash all solvents, paint, marker, and other art materials from your skin. Some materials may be harmful if exposed to skin for extended amounts of time. AND ask whenever you are unsure of anything!
Bullying, or rude, unkind behavior towards another student or staff member.
Inappropriate language or conversation: cursing or talk about drugs or alcohol.
Refusal to work
Refusal to clean up
Wasting or abusing art materials and tools
Tampering with or causing intentional harm to another student’s artwork
Putting any art materials on yourself or another student (unless it’s a pre-approved art project)
Making a mess on purpose
Respect all people, computers, furnishings, and all other property in the classroom. That includes other students, you, the teacher, any guests there may be in the room, and the property of others. Pick-up after yourself, push in your chair before you leave, and keep your workstation looking better than when you came in.
In the unlikely chance that a student displays inappropriate behavior in the classroom, the following steps will occur:
1st Infraction: Reminder of expectation and warning to correct negative behavior.
2nd Infraction: Phone call or email to parent / guardian and notification to admin and/or counselor.
3rd Infraction: Office referral will be written. Consequence to be served through administration.
Please ask questions—but make sure you’re listening. If you don’t understand or you need clarification, chances are, someone else feels the same way so ask as many questions as you see fit. If you are found sleeping, on Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/etc., or talking while I’m instructing and then ask me to individually tutor you because you don’t know what’s going on—remember that’s unfair to your classmates that were listening and need assistance.
Obviously cheating is not tolerated. If a person is found to be cheating, credit will be lost for that assignment/quiz with no possibility of make-up. Cheating in most cases refers to doing someone else’s work for them, or blatant use of copyright infringement or plagiarism.
Technology can be helpful. Texting is a lot more obvious than you think and unnecessary during school. Bag and Tag policy will be enforced when technology is being used without teacher permission or if it is hindering learning. From time to time it may be acceptable to use technology in class such as cell phones, laptops, ipads, etc for academic purposes towards the successful completion of a project, only. However, all students should refer to the "Off the Bat" document for further school wide expectations.
WORKING HALL PASSES Nelson has created hall passes for working on individual projects in the hallways. These passes are for work only and not socialization. Each pass has my contact info on it with for teachers and staff to report disruptive behavior. Nelson's "work" hall passes will be recreated and original each trimester. If you are using the hall pass it is the expectation you return in a timely manner and have all your materials and equipment properly put away prior to end of class.. If you violate expectations of the hall pass you will no longer have access. IN THE COMPUTER LAB Stay on task. In Computer Art, for example, It is very tempting to play computer games and go to websites that are not school supported. Please make sure you are working on school related assignments.Going on You Tube, Facebook or Twitter, or other unsupported websites without permission will result in documentation in SchoolView as inappropriate use of time. From time to time, it will be necessary to use technology such as Schoology or Facebook, for images or to document your work only, or Youtube to watch video tutorials. All other uses are not academic and are unacceptable during school hours. In my other art courses, like Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Jewelry, etc., using time wisely and having a good work ethic will determine your success in the class. Socializing is not a good use of class time.
No food or beverages are allowed near the computers or in the art rooms. This includes breakfast or after lunch. I realize how important it is to eat breakfast in the morning; however, you must do this before school. This is to protect you from any accidental damage towards the computers. This also includes "Super-Fan" goodies and gifts. Keep them in your locker! I will have no problem confiscating them if I see them. Manders has a heck of a sweet tooth!
Tardies. We've all been there - we've overslept, had a bad morning, got caught up in some drama with your significant other. I get it. Please, be on timeand in your seat when the bell rings. This means being in your seat, not walking through the door. Being late to class will be documented in the district's grading and reporting system. After the 3rd tardy, the student and teacher will conference to develop a plan to change the behavior. If the problem persists, parents will be involved in the Positive Behavior Intervention Strategy. The 4th tardy will result in a phone call or email home. After communication with parents has occurred and the problem is not resolved as a 5th occurrence, an office referral will be written as a final consequence.
No lining up at the door or in the hallway before the bell rings. There is always something that can be done to better our studio environment. Help clean a little more, wipe down a table or two, help a peer, pick up scraps off the floor, organize, etc. It is expected that you stay in the classroom prior to the bell. Plan your clean up accordingly to get that extra bit of studio work time in.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and student to stay up-to-date on grades. If you do not have a School View account with access to your student’s grades, please contact the counseling office and get one set-up. I update grades a minimum of every 2 weeks. I will be contacting you at mid-tri if you are not receiving a passing grade.
What is the grading breakdown? 80% Summative - Art projects, Art History Analysis Papers, Artist Statements, etc... 20% Formative - Daily practice, exercises, sketchbook checks, investigation and planning documents, etc...
What is the best way to contact Mr. Nelson? Email: [email protected] Phone: 763-391-8700 Stop in: Make an appointment or check rooms 386 or 356.
When is Mr. Nelson available when I need extra help or just need to catch up on my work? Typically M-F from 7:10am - 2:45pm After School Varies your best bet is to talk with him personally
Throughout the year I will primarily be teaching in teach in 2 different rooms (386 &356). Please confirm a meeting time and place with me before the meeting. If you cannot find me, go to the front office and have them page me over the intercom. I will be somewhere in the building.