In animation, a model sheet, also known as a character board, character sheet, character study or simply a study, is a document used to help standardize the appearance, poses, and gestures of an animated character. Model sheets are required when large numbers of artists are involved in the production of an animated film to help maintain continuity in characters from scene to scene, as one animator may only do one shot out of the several hundred that are required to complete an animated feature film. A character not drawn according to the production's standardized model is referred to as off-model.
General Final Line Model Sheet. A single character is portrayed in turn around drawings that give us a sense of how to draw the character from any angle, along with some facial expressions, attitude and action poses. Note that the top and bottom sheets were drawn at different times. Like many characters Bugs went through an evolution from one year to the next. Many early model sheets tried to fit everything an artist needed to know about a character on a single sheet, and this one just about succeeds in doing just that. But these days model sheets come in many styles, some far more specific than others. |