1. Camera Settings
2. Lighting
3. Composition
4. Mood
- Exposure: Is the subject properly exposed? Are there any important blown out areas (to0 bright)or underexposed areas (to dark)?
- Focus: Is the subject in focus? If not, is intended to be out of focus or is it missed focus?
- Color: Is the white balance correct? Too cool, too warm. Color casts?
- Depth of Field: Does it add to the story to take away from the story?
2. Lighting
- Is the lighting flat? Dappled?
- Does the type of lighting used add to the image or is it distracting? And is it intentional?
- Overall is it cohesive with the feel of the image?
3. Composition
- Does the composition help you understand what the main subject or idea is?
- How is the subject framed in the image?
- Are there any limb chops?
- Does the composition make the subject more interesting?
- Does the image follow a compositional rule? If not, would it look better cropped differently?
- Is there anything in the frame that takes away from the story? Or adds to the story that makes it more compelling?
4. Mood
- How does the image make me feel?
- Do the technical aspects of the image add to this mood (lighting, color, composition, exposure, focus).
- Does the image capture an emotion?
- Is there a connection between the photographer and subject?
- Is there a connection between the viewer and subject?